A detailed account of my adventures, struggles, accomplishments, experiences, and aha moments while exploring the nature and design of compelling experiences.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

photography making me think

The photography assignment seemed too easy when I read the directions, but when I tried to think of a subject that was meaningful that was not my family it became very difficult. What would be a good picture?  I’ve been thinking about it all the time.  I looked around and talked to a lot of people.  I always got the same question – “What kind of class are you taking?”  I tried to capture pictures of meaningful things at work, home, and around the hood – this photography stuff is hard.  I am a physical therapist working in a center based school.  Many of the students I work with are frail and and their anatomy is poorly developed.  I tried to contrast this with co-workers that are body builders.  I just couldn’t line up a shot quick enough and then the scene was too staged.  Sooo, my next meaningful picture had to be nature.  This assignment would have been easier in nicer weather but it was the effort that went into the picture taking that made the connection for me.  In my profession, I am a therapist and I also do a lot of formal training.  Although I always put a lot of preparation into my sessions, the artistic aspect of presentations never entered my mind.  I always tended to use humor or just a break to move around when I see the audience getting bored.  This assignment really makes me rethink my presentations.  If I am presenting something and have added the visual piece to reinforce what I am saying, the visual piece should add a punch.

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