A detailed account of my adventures, struggles, accomplishments, experiences, and aha moments while exploring the nature and design of compelling experiences.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


The readings for photography were very interesting.  Although I have read and learned many of the tips that make a picture interesting and artistic, I find that I fail to follow all of the rules when I am snapping pictures.  When I am caught up in the moment of enjoying beautiful scenery or the company of family and friends I take a quick picture and return to just enjoying the moment with my own eyes.  I love looking through my photo albums and the pictures relax me and take me to a happy time. I never think of them as art.  The next assignment will force me to think of how others will also enjoy the moment of the picture when they are not there in person.  We recently traveled to Germany to visit our daughter who is spending a year studying abroad.  I took over 150 pictures and when I share them with others it becomes obvious that they are not enjoying them as much as I am because they are missing the parts of the story behind them.  I spent the last hour reviewing theses pictures and there are only a few shots that "accidentally"  captured nice framing, rule of thirds composition, good lighting and  patterns.  This is the reason that I buy postcards when I travel to take advantage of the eye and skills of an expert photographer.  The lesson for me here is that when I share a visual object such as a picture, it should not have to be backed up with a lot of verbage explaining the moment.  The picture should speak for itself.

1 comment:

  1. It is so hard to take a good picture - especially one that speaks to someone who wasn't there when the picture was taken. Keep on taking pics. It's free now! (Can you remember the days of film??)
