A detailed account of my adventures, struggles, accomplishments, experiences, and aha moments while exploring the nature and design of compelling experiences.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A tale of two retails

It was very interesting looking at the groups module 3 projects.  It is easy now to notice the planning retail puts into design to bring customers attention to products and purchasing.  In my study of haircare places, I edited my part about logos because I usually do not buy the products at the time of my haircare service and I buy them when I'm out shopping at Target.  Looking back, i noticed that the salon that created a nurturing experience was brand loyal to Aveda, and the salon that created a rushed experience had no brand loyalty and the merchandised seemed cluttered and unappealing.  When creating the mood of relaxation and luxury the role of visual logos is played down when compared to the overall space design, much like hiding the prices of expensive clothing at a boutique.  That may be why I buy my products at Target where logos and product placement is played up to motivate the shopper.

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